With some Autobiography’s starting to be turned in, we will have a nice newsletter. But first this:
Beth Hornung Bumgarner (’60) son Brian (age; 34) recently passed away in his sleep. We need to say a prayer for Beth and her son. If you wish, send a sympathy card. Her address is:
Beth Hornung Bumgarner 594 Beach Avenue Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34952
In order for any newsletter if be of any benefit, there must be some input form the readers. What is needed is for you folks to input any information you might what to share. This could be in the form of a new spouse, a new grandchild, your retirement, what you may have accomplished in the past such as graduation in college. Remember, some of you have not been seen since graduation. Another aspect is that we can use you readers locating many missing classmates. I have been able to locate a small number of missing people, but together we can locate more before the next reunion in five years.
It is hoped to present a new person from each class each month. I hope you enjoy these folks and send them a line or two.
Thomas “tom” Harpel (class ’60)
Since high school I have been married three (yes, three) times, raised five (yes, five) children, moved a jillion times. Left a 25-year-old contract business carpet business in Pompano for an adventure in North Carolina. That was almost 14 years ago. The adventure is over and we are planning on heading back to east-central Florida as soon as we can sell the house. I am ready to PARTY. I have a ‘live’ Florida real estate license. Am a licensed boat captain. I also have a private pilot’s license.
I have been married for 24 years to Diana, and we have a daughter Kara. Kara is 23-years-old and MIGHT move with us to Florida. The other kids are grown and gone. My daughter, Sherri lives in Auburn, NY and just had her third child…. A little girl. My son, Leland T. “butch” Harpel and his wife and son live in Coral Springs. The other girls are running around down there somewhere. Both are married. My mother, Dee, is 87 years old and still lives in the same house in Lighthouse Point. My dad, Howard, died one week before Kara was born in 1979.
Worked my whole life to retire…. Retired one year ago…hate it. Am itching to reinvent myself as a fishing guide in east-central Florida. Love to read, Cook (I’m great), and fish. What else is there? E-mail hooksetters321@yahoo.com
Carolyn Burt Cerny (Class ’62)
Here’s a brief bio of my life since the BIG DAY in 1961
I started college at UF, joined AOPi, went one semester to PBJC, back to UF until FAU opened. Went there my last year, graduated in English, needed a real job, went back to school for a Master’s in Education. Taught in Dade and Palm Beach counties off and on until 1995.
Meanwhile, I married a great guy, Walt Cerny, an art director (that’s advertising not canvas), raised one daughter, Cassie. She lives in JAX with her husband, Joe.
In 1996, I suffered an acute onset of CRIDS/CFS or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and other chronic debilitating conditions. It was a good point in time to be diagnosed because a major breakthrough of the first well-respected medical treatment of the chronic conditions had occurred the year before. This made me think that I had a fighting chance to get well. I have continuously improved and now have a fairly normal life
Walt retired two years ago, at the age of 62. We live in Pompano and North Carolina now. Email-Walcar22@yahoo.com
Sheryl Williams Arnold ( Class ’62)
Hi – I’m Sheryl Williams Arnold, class of 62, currently residing in the frozen tundra of Minneapolis, MN. I arrived here in 64 to fly for Northwest Airlines. I was a flight attendant for 15 years, Married a captain, had two children, and got a divorce. Hard to believe I can sum up 40+ years in a small sentence. I’m currently single, still have the two kids at home (moving soon), and work part-time two days a week. I have been flying back to Florida once a month since September to help my mother. She has had two strokes during this time - needless to say, this is stressful, but I love getting back to warm weather! I’m looking forward to moving back to Florida within the next year or so, to the Melbourne Beach area where mom is. If any classmates are in the Mpls or around Melbourne, I would love to know where they are so I can reconnect! Barbara Justice Kamp (62) lives in Redwood Falls, and we see each other as frequently as possible. Her e-mail address, in case you don’t have it is, bejust@connect.com.