Please remember coach Henry (Hank) Moody who passed away May 20, 2005. He lead a good life and many of us will remember him.
We have a little autobiography from Linda Elliot-Clark. Remember, everyone wants to know what is happening with our classmates. Please send in yours so we can all share.
Ok. I'll give you a
little rundown. When I graduated from Pompano, I returned to the
Washington, DC area (specifically Arlington, VA) where I went to work
for the government. My first job was with the US Coast Guard in DC. I
worked there from 1962-1964. In 1964 I went to work for the Department
of the Army in the Pentagon working for various offices. My last
assignment was as a personal secretary to the Deputy Chief of Public
Affairs (Brigadier General in the Army) under the Office of the
Secretary of the Army. I retired from the Federal Government in April
1997 after 35 years with the government (33 of them in the Pentagon).
I will just have to add mine along with Linda.
After high school, I graduated for University of Miami on a scholarship in the college of Electrical Engineering. I went to work for Bendix Avionics designing and building airborn electronics (radar and radio type equipment.) I was introduced to wife by a classmate of class ’58. We met Thanksgiving day 1970 and married June 6, 1971. Along the way we adopted Two children daughter richell ann and son Richard. We received them both at the age of three months. This gave us a chance to raise newborns. I will change a wet diaper but never a dirty diaper. They just have to sit in it till there mother gets to them. Richell is now 29 and Richard in 23. Great kids. I left the engineering field in 1991 and taught math and computer to Cardinal Gibbons high school. What a fun time. The wife wanted to move to Georgia where her company (Sears commercial Credit Account Administrator. She retired from that in 2004. Went back to work for her old manager in Kubota equipment company. I was retired on disability on 1999. We have a nice piece of land in the mountains of Tennessee near my sister marty heath-hodges (’61) and her husband jack (’60) and will retire up there in the next three years. This place is about one hour drive north of Chattanooga.
PLEASE mark your calendars for May 19,20, 2006. This is going to be the best reunion ever. Many people have said they have not returned to florida in 20+ years. Now is the time folks. We need to get together more often since none of is getting younger. (well most of us, some of the gals are getting younger by the day: sandy Wilson dennis, sandy peck, maryann egan bryan, sue ewing schupack to name a few) Plan to bring your bathing suits and pictures of the family. Be ready to give your life story.
Send me your autobiography and stay in touch. Help us find the missing classmates. We can only account for a third of the classes.
GOD BLESS Mr PBHS Harry Heath |