Pompano Beach  High School 

  Pompano Airport History

                                         Pompano airport 1942/2004
     No. 791-M-CIVIL
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                                       Petitioner,         
-vs-                                                 )         NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION
                                                       (                     PROCEEDINGS
1036 acres of land, more             )
or less, in Broward County,          (
Florida ,(A.O. T.B); North              )
Pompano Field),                            (
                   Defendants,                 )
----------------------------------- -------    (    
                                                        (a)        The following  persons who
                                                                    are residents of the State
                                                                    of Florida
             THE US NAVY
             160 PEOPLE
           By Bud Garner
     On  October 16, 1942 this property, located in Pompano Florida, county of
Broward, comprising an area one and one half miles North from what is now N.E.
6th St. along US Highway 1 to Copans road..  West one mile on Copans road to
the FEC railroad tracks.  South along the East side of the tracks past the blimp
base to N.E. eight Street a distance of one and four tenths mile and East one
and four-tenths of a mile to US # 1.  Was deemed essential for an air operational
training base (A.O.T.B.)  For the establishment of North Pompano Satellite field
in connection with the Naval Air Station, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. on authority of
James V, Forrestal, acting secretary of the U.S. Navy.  (On June 14, 1943, after
this property, today known as Pompano Air Park and Pompano Beach golf
course) had already been confiscated , the runways built and the field
operational., the owners of this property were paid the  "Just " compensation
amt. of  $26,917.00  for the entire 1036 acres..
    The partial list of individuals and companies that shared in this "windfall,"
E.E. and Mary Allen, Pompano. Victoria Benson, Pompano. George L. Blount
and Blount Bros. Reality, Pompano.Blount Brothers, Pompano. Mrs.C.S. Bock,
Pompano. H. Campbell, Pompano. Thomas H. Chapman III and Anna Belle
Chapman. Pompano. H.S. Cheshire. Pompano Kenneth and Anna Finigan,
Pompano. W.L. Kester, Pompano. W.H. McNab Pompano Robert A, and Aleene
Mc Nab. Pompano. G.O. Mills. Pompano. Elias Roukous. Pompano. Thomas
and Josephine Sumpter. Pompano. S.B. Skeene. Pompano. Foster H. and
Loretta Speir. Pompano. G.B. Walton. Pompano. W.A.Walton.Pompano. R.L.
Walton Pompano. T.S. Pridemore. Pompano. H.R. Barker. Miami, F.H.
Anderson. E.I. Bernard. H.G.. Benson. Vera Beck. H.D. Bunn. Iva. M. Crim. J.A.
and Lena Dorman. Pompano J.H. Donalson, Neely Porter Erwin, H.L. Farquahar.
James H, Goodwin, Clyde Hipple, Pompano William Higginson, Lena v, Hibbard,
C.W. Haines, E. Wolcott Hopkins, Z.V. Kendrick, Florence M. Keyes, H.L. Lyons,
Pompano. Alphonso Marcette, George and Josephine Marcette. Estelle
Marcette, B.G. Parks. Elizabeth Pegrams, J.R. Erwin. W.M. Pitzer. Charles A.
Portwood. J.L. Richardson. Walter and Rebecca Smith. Lawrence Wiig. George
Henry Watt. H.L. and Susie Trueblood. J.T. Elder. J.S. Mc Clelland. H. Smith. J.
Harmon and Emma Wensinger. Caroline Zahn.. H.B. Phelps. Stephen A. Calder.
Hattie E. DeLozier, Ft. Lauderdale. F.R. Oliver, Ft Lauderdale. William G.
Goodrich. Ethel M. Hendricks. E.E. Hardy Pompano. E.L. and Marie
Montgomery. Edgar and Catherine Patterson. C.G. Rodes, Ft. Lauderdale. H.M
and Margaret Sutton. P.J. McGrath. B.H. Van Zandt. Della M Bonnett. Eleanor
and Michael Wielandt. George O. and Mary Butler. Jesse and Alma Hardy. C.C.
Chillingworth. Ellen J. Warde. Christina Dahlberg. A.D.V. Bailey. Albina
Archambeault. Emma Bacon. L.L. Blackburn. David and Ethel Drummond. D.L.
Feick. J.F. Hirt. John W. Knopp. Ellen and Wilfred De Duc. A.D.F. Miller. George
and Harriat Miller. Ruby Meeks. Frances Mecklem. Loyal S. Marcott. H.P. Pfaff
Emily Quinn.
Henry L. Robbins. Albert and Karl Storch. Anne and C.L. Sadler. Ben Stiber.
Robert Slidders. A.M. Swanson. W.A. Smith. Edward A. Stults.  E.H. Turner.
Willie G. and Hazel Tate. and  Josephine  Wood.
    There were 160 individuals, more or less and approximately 60 corporations,
companies, estates, trusts and municipalities involved in the "taking" of this
property.  The legal descriptions, procedures and instructions were comprised of
12 pages of legal size documents.
    The 1036 acres involved had been platted and lots and parcels bought by
the people listed sometime in the early , mid, late twentys or thirtys .There
were no streets or sidewalks built.  There were names of streets listed,
such as Myrtle street, East 7th st. Pompano avenue, Broward avenue and
State road # 4 (now US # 1.)
    This property was bought and taxes paid on it for reasons known only to the
purchasers and now years later, war broke out and the hopes that was held for
these property owners was terminated abruptly.   
    Now, more than a half century later, the 1036 acres, that was condemed and
taken for "national security reasons"  for the "just" sum of $26,917.00 is in
jeopardy of being relinquished to the "private sector" where office buildings
,apartments, stores, hi-rises and also as a requirement of government owned
properties relinquished for development a "proportional " number of low-income
housing units built.
    Any monies, over and above the original $26,917.00" confiscated amount"
should be paid to the original owners or their heirs from whom this land was
     They were hard working people, farmers , merchants and people with vision,
therefore should be paid , even at this late date for the land they could only
watch taken from them and now watch others attempt to profit from.
     (T.S. ( Little Jack) Pridemore a Pompano  resident , received a check from
the government  for $12.00 for the 12 acres he owned in this parcel.  Jack
returned the check with the notation that they probable "needed " the money
more than he