Grads Info
Name: Bob DeMay E-Mail: r.demay@att.net Spouse: Years Married: 38 Living In: 8355 Magic Leaf Road, Springfield, Va 22153 703-866-5825 Occupation: DeMay Restorations, LLC 703-912-6546 Children: 4 Grandchildren: Other: After finishing High School, got an AA degree in Electronic Engineering, Hired by a Computer company in 1962, moved to New Jersey, where I met my wife of 38 years. Spent 34 years in the computer field, moved 11 times in the first 18 years to 7 different states. My wife, our 4 children and I arrived in northern Virginia in 1979. Been in the DC area ever since. Received a BA in Business Management, now own a Furniture Medic Franchise for the last 6 years. 3 of our children are married, 2 have college degrees. They all live near us except for the married CPA who lives near San Francisco. 3 grandchildren and 1 due in May. We are grateful that they all live near us. I am planning my 3rd career; We have 2 border collies, and a new puppy, we exercise them by herding sheep. One is almost ready for trials. We plan to buy an old farm, raise sheep, and teach border collies and their handlers. In all of our travels, we have thought often of our high school years, and hope to be able to attend the upcoming reunion. |