MAY 2004


Gran Jenkins (60)


I received a note from Bruce Minniken (61) letting us know that Gran has passed away. Bruce stated that Gran did not have any illnesses and his heart just gave away. Remember him in your prayers.


The mini reunion this past weekend at Kathy Jones and Clarence’s Whiteside’s was just absolutely beautiful. Kathy’s garden was really awesome. The garden was so beautiful. Many people walked the tour (no short tour mind you) and gave many compliments. Hats off to you Kathy.  There were approximately 30 people there and all had a great time. Many said they could not wait for the next mini reunion.


Speaking of reunions. The pas two weeks I have called people just to say hi! And see what is happening. Some people wrote back and said they would not be able to attend the mini reunion if that is why I am calling. Folks, give me a break. I do have a little common sense. If you are in California or Minnesota or some place far away, I would not call you to attend the reunion. Save that for the big reunion. I just like to call and say HI. Don’t you remember the old saying, “reach out and touch someone.”


Also, I want to remind everyone that I am in the middle of updating the class lists for the main reunion. As soon as I am complete, I will email the lists to everyone. The list will be in detail and need for the upcoming reunion mail out invitations.


Stay in touch and send me some news. My hand that was broken is giving me a fit, therefore this is a short newsletter. I do have some autobiographies to send out in the nest newsletter.



Harry Heath