Sorry for taking so to get a newsletter out. I spoke with my psychologist and he advised me to tell you what is going on.

December, 1999, I suffered a sever mental breakdown. Alone with this came Diabetes, hypertension and acute vertigo. The vertigo is from my loss of hearing (which I never had, as many of you know. I asked Ron Martin if thought it was a good idea to do this newsletter to keep my mind active since I am not able to work anymore. Yes I am on medical disability. I am not looking for any sympathy, just a little understanding from you folks. It helps me a great deal that you write me back and share some thoughts for future newsletters.


Now the bad news


Delilah Mungai’s (60) mother suffered a bad stroke last week. Delilah herself is in a frightful shape. Give her some spiritual support. If you try to call, it is catch as catch can. She is constantly running


My sister Martha Heath Hodges (61) is returning to the hospital on July 1st for an operation on her back. She has a two rupture disk in the upper back. In the Lumbar area she has a vertebrae that is really outt of place. She will need surgery on both spots. Support her as well.


Talked to Suzy Gray Byrd (62) not to long ago and was advised the her mother passed away abut four years ago. Many of remember her as the sweet short lady in the office. I would like to point out that dynamite still comes in small packages. I do not remember as that, but with an awful lot of love and respect.


When most of our classmates are trying to retire, or at least slow down, Sandy Peck (60) now doctor of audiology is still working at the VA hospital in St Cloud, Mn. She is director of that department. Along with that she is opening her on audiolgy office. Take a look at her website http://user.mn.astound.net/peck audiology. An interesting layout


Now for some help from you folks.


Why don’t we try looking for some people such as Marcia Buis Coleman (60) she married Norman Coleman. According to brother James Coleman (62) he recently retired and moved to the central part of the east coast. Some folks have asked me for her information.


Let’s try Linda Murray Wright (60. Her brother Don Murray is married to E. A. Evans (60) Linda, can you give us some information to find them.


Delilah Mungai (60) has mention that Bonny Marsh (60) is now living in Hendersonville, N.C. Not sure what name she has now. When the situation is settled with her mother, she will give me the information.


How about merrilee benore wentz (60) I noticed that there is a Ardeth Benore (62), any relation?


I have to apologize to Bonny Higgens (62) It seems that I have lost her email address. I could have sworn that I had it in the computer, but cannot find. If anyone can contact her, let her know that I am looking for her. Meanwhile, can she or anyone let me know wher Sally Ball (62) is. I need lots of help if we are going to make3 the next reunion in 2006 a real blast


Speaking along the lines about the reunion. The biggest complant was not enough time to speak to everybody.  That is always the case. Maybe you can share some thought on that and how we can make the next one better.


If any of you people are planning to retire soon, or have retired and moved, PLEASE  let me know the new address


I received a note from marian blount-evans (62) that a group of people from the class of (62) met in florida for a MINI-reunion. The attendees were Carol Gardner Pomeroy ,Martha Giles Mothershead, Cheryl Pittman and nancy Mathews. They were later joined by Bill Fergason and jack Smith with his wife Carla. That is the news we need to share.


Send me some news folks and I will try to n0t let you down again..



Harry Heath