Brockway (62)
I received a note from Susan’s ex-husband that see passed
away some years ago. I wonder where her brother is. What is the information on
her ex-husband? He was in class ‘62
We had many people we have not seen since graduation.
Let’s plan on the next reunion in 2010. this will be a 50th jubilee.
Can you believe this? Where did time go.
I was
wondering if you would give your thoughts as to where you would like the next
reunion. Do still want to have it
Broward county or would you like to have it in northern
In case you are wondering, it takes at least a year to
organize the reunion. I may know a lot of people, but a lot of people I do not
know. This is especially true for married ladies. What is the married name?
Without this knowledge they are lost. If anyone in classes ’61 and ’62 can lend
some help in locating our missing classmates, it will be very
Speaking of missing people, as unusual the booklet for
the reunion is full of errors. I will again correct as many as I can.
problem is the company does not know our classmates and has to rely on
information given to them. If the classmates who received the brochure for the
reunion did not return them, they are lost. Not always true. I have a not of
so-called missing people.
Write me soon and let me hear the
Harry Heath